Sunday thoughts and a favourite quote


Some uplifting words for your Sunday afternoon.
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Ingredients for…A Slow Weekend

Weekend Essentials 1

Happy Friday, my friends! I can’t believe this week has gone by so quickly again, is life ever going to slow down? It’s been a good week though, so I’m not complaining.
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Everlasting Apparel – Helena La Petite


Happy Thursday everybody! Today is the first edition of a feature I am especially looking forward to, Everlasting Apparel.
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A Bright Idea – aVoid


Here’s another new feature for you: The little things! In this column I will write about all the clever little things I have found on the internet or have been told about, that make your life easier and help you help.
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Whole Wheat Pasta With Tomato Pepper Sauce


Judging by the amount of food pictures I pin on Pinterest and the degree of how much I love eating, it’s probably been a long time coming that I start writing a food column. In the past I always stayed away from that idea because proper food photography is incredibly hard. You can’t learn if you don’t try, right?
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Why you should give your car a break


Happy Monday everybody! It’s a new week, time for new ideas. Welcome to the first regular feature of this new blog, Bit by Bit. I love goal setting and small challenges, so I want to give you one thing to try every other week.
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Why is green living important to me?

green living

You might wonder, why did I choose to start a blog that deals with the topic of the environment?
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Hi there! This is Hanna’s Places


Here it is: A new blog! I’m so happy to be finally able to publish my first post here. After quite some time of planning, writing schemes and playing around with layouts, I’m really happy with the final outcome. So let me tell you the story of this blog:
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Meet Hanna
Hanna's Places - a green lifestyle blog

Hanna’s Places is a green lifestyle magazine written by Hanna Ulatowski. It’s all about slowing down in a fast-paced society and finding ways to live a more sustainable, simple lifestyle.

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