Happy weekend everybody! I am currently enjoying some time by the beach in France with old friends. We see each other every two years at most, but it is always a great time (and the Bretagne is such a pretty place as well!) What are you up to?
I love waffles. I could probably eat some every day (along with pancakes of course).
When trying to make a change, there’s nothing easier than signing a petition.
I have a confession to make: I love going shopping. I love having new and pretty clothes and wearing them for the first time. How does that fit in with a sustainable lifestyle?
Did you all have a good weekend? It’s Monday again, so it’s time for a new challenge!
Happy Friday my friends! Can you believe another week just passed by so quickly?
Janina Böhm is a designer and illustrator, creating beautiful stationary for her label Mozaiq Eco Design.
Welcome to yet another new category! I want to show you my favourite eco-friendly brands.
If you have been a reader of my former blog, you probably know that I love music and creating mixtapes for others to enjoy.
Happy Monday everybody! Let me introduce you to another series I want to start on this blog, workday breakfast!
Hanna’s Places is a green lifestyle magazine written by Hanna Ulatowski. It’s all about slowing down in a fast-paced society and finding ways to live a more sustainable, simple lifestyle.