My favourite slow morning routine

My favourite slow morning routine + 4 habits for you to try

Over the past few months, I fell in love with the idea of a ‘slow morning routine’. Starting your day in a way that was pleasurable and not stressed sounded wonderful. So, little by little, I have adopted a few new habits into my morning that really improve my day.

I’ve tried a lot of Pinterest slow morning tips, some worked, some didn’t (I’m neither a smoothie, nor a morning workout person). Now I’m at a place where I truly look forward to my mornings, so I wanted to share my favourite habits with you.

Don’t press snooze

I won’t talk so much about this one because everyone tells you not to press snooze. It’s bad for your sleep, you will lose a lot of time, it’s just not a good idea.

No social media

This proved to be a big improvement on my well-being and it took quite some time to adopt. I will NOT look at instagram, pinterest or facebook before work. On a normal work day, the first time I look at social media is during my lunch break. I don’t know why it made such a big difference, but I feel so much more calm starting my day.

Start your slow morning in a positive way

One of the reasons I finally stopped pressing snooze is because I start my day in a truly great way! No matter what the day will bring, I always look forward to the first half hour of my morning. I get up, grind some coffee beans and make a big cup of coffee. Then, I sit down on the couch with my coffee and a blanket and read a few chapters in my bible. I pray, watch the sun rise and just sit for a while, thinking about the day. If I have the time, I read a bit and just wait till I fully wake up. This little ritual takes up quite a lot of time, but it’s so worth it. Every day feels like the weekend, if that makes sense. And since I don’t snooze anymore, I’m probably not leaving the house any later than before.

Listen to podcasts

While getting ready in the morning, I listen to my favourite podcasts. I love podcasts because you learn so much while getting entertained and a little bit of Gretchen Rubin or Pod Save America is always a good way to start the day.

There you have it, these are my favourite ways to start slow in the morning! Tell me yours, do you have any tips on how to start your day in a great way? Or evening rituals as well? By the way, if you want to incorporate new habits into your life, Way of Life, is a great app to do that. I’ve tracked my new habits with it for years now.





Meet Hanna
Hanna's Places - a green lifestyle blog

Hanna’s Places is a green lifestyle magazine written by Hanna Ulatowski. It’s all about slowing down in a fast-paced society and finding ways to live a more sustainable, simple lifestyle.

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