Links & Memories: Work and Pizza

Links & Memories 24 | Hanna's Places
Happy Friday! I am so happy the weekend is finally here, especially since it’s the first ‘real’ weekend in over a month. I’ll have to work on my thesis as well (of course), but I’ll get to sleep in and stay around in my pyjamas – bliss! Tonight I’m meeting some old friends from Düsseldorf again for pizza night and tomorrow an old friend from school is coming over for breakfast so there’ll be plenty of fun amidst the work as well. Here’s what’s been going on this week:

Links & Memories

1 | Last weekend I was in Hamburg for a few days to shoot a video for work. I was quite nervous before (first work trip ever) but it was so much fun and Hamburg is beautiful – even in the rainy weather we’re experiencing at the moment.

2 | I know I talk a lot about minimalism and only buying what you need, but this week I actually bought a few new pieces since I don’t have any summer clothes in my wardrobe left. I’m especially in love with these espadrilles and can’t wait for the warmer weather to wear this dress. People Tree has another sale on at the moment and I’m still in desperate need of T-shirts, so I might have to put in another order there as well ;)

3 | Other than that, I’m still working a lot and long hours, but I feel like I’m slightly getting used to it. This week I’ve tried to take the mornings more relaxed, have a cup of coffee on the couch, read my Bible, get a little organized and it’s made such a huge difference not to rush out of the house in the morning anymore.

4 | This list of independent ethical clothing brands is super helpful.

5 | I found Imii’s blog Nettle & Blackberry last night (by pure luck) and couldn’t stop reading. It’s really lovely and her pictures are beautiful – you should definitely check it out if you’re not following her already.

6 | Trying to incorporate this list of things not to do to be more productive more into my life right now. There’s some really great tips in there!

7 | Can I say again how much I enjoy listening to the Lively Show? Jess is traveling Europe right now and sharing her experiences in her podcast and it’s making me want to travel so badly!

Hope you’re having a great weekend with at least a bit of sun!


Meet Hanna
Hanna's Places - a green lifestyle blog

Hanna’s Places is a green lifestyle magazine written by Hanna Ulatowski. It’s all about slowing down in a fast-paced society and finding ways to live a more sustainable, simple lifestyle.

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