Let’s declutter! 10 items to get rid off

Let's declutter - 10 items to get rid off today

Everyone’s got them: Closets full of stuff you don’t really need, use or like. Why do we keep them? Nostalgia? You ‘might’ need them one day? I don’t really know. Either way, there’s a lot of things you should get rid of that you will never ever miss or use again. Here’s a list of a few basics to help you declutter.

Shoes that don’t fit properly

I know from experience that I’ve bought far too many shoes I never wear because they don’t fit (that’s what happens if you’re between sizes!). Give them away (and get shoes you’re actually wearing without getting blisters).

Old Tupperware

It probably looks gross and you don’t need 20 different boxes anyway. Instead go for pretty Mason jars! Not having plastic boxes in your home has even more advantages – read more about that here.


All those receipts (from Aldi trips three months ago, why are they still in my purse?).

Anything broken that you ‘might fix someday’

You won’t (at least I won’t).

Old schoolbooks, exercise books and exams

Why are you keeping them anyway? To look back on and remember great times? I don’t think so.

Beauty products you’re not using

I stole a trick from Anuschka: Write a list of all the beauty products you’re using (without looking at your cabinet first). Then go to the bathroom and throw out everything you didn’t list (and apparently don’t even use).

Gifts you don’t even like

It might seem heartless to you at first, but keeping them far away in a drawer somewhere isn’t really helping anybody, right?

Food items that aren’t bad yet but that don’t taste great

I absolutely hate throwing out food (!) but there’s no use of keeping something in your fridge that will stay there till you move out (or it starts a life of its own). Just don’t buy it again.

Beautiful clothes, that you might fit into again one day (both too large and too small)

If those items take up space in your closet and you’re not likely to ever wear them again – make room for new garments! I’m a big fan of Kleiderkreisel because you can earn some money AND the items get a second life as well.

Pairs that aren’t pairs anymore

Socks, ear rings, you name it.

PS: You don’t want to fill your place with more stuff to declutter? Here are some tips how to buy souvenirs you won’t regret and another one about how 30 day lists changed my shopping habits.



  • Eline
    June 8, 2016


    Socks are definitely something I don’t throw away nearly enough. I always seem to end up wearing socks with holes or find only one of a pair. So annoying!

    • Hanna
      June 9, 2016


      Yes so true! I always feel ‘guilty’ because I’m throwing away clothing even though they are broken. So weird!

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Hanna's Places - a green lifestyle blog

Hanna’s Places is a green lifestyle magazine written by Hanna Ulatowski. It’s all about slowing down in a fast-paced society and finding ways to live a more sustainable, simple lifestyle.

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