Weekend Conversation Vol. 1

Friday Conversations Vol.1

TGIF, everybody! How has your past week been? Mine flew by in a second, like almost all weeks at the moment. Seriously, where is 2015 going? How is May already almost over?

Anyway, I wanted to introduce you to a new series on this blog today. Since Hanna’s Places isn’t only about making a green and socially responsible lifestyle easy and accessible, but also about community, I was trying to come up with an easy way to find this community. And voila: Weekend conversations were born. I want to get to know you guys better and discuss one fun question every week. Here goes!

1 | What are some basic facts about you?

Well, you all know my name’s Hanna, I’m 21 and a student from Germany!

2 | What’s your latest (sustainable) creative project?

Lately, I’ve really wanted to get back into sewing again. I’ve bought a book explaining simple dress-making (this one if anyone’s interested) and can’t wait to get started. The projects actually look good and like something I would personally wear, which doesn’t really happen all that often with sewing books I think. I can’t wait to start wearing dresses I have completely made myself and also to start transforming pieces that don’t really fit. Vintage and second-hand shopping would be so much easier if I could just make everything fit perfectly. Now, I just need to get my hands on a working sewing-machine and I can get going.

What about you? What creative project would you like to tackle this summer? Can’t wait to read your answers!


Picture via Stocksnap.


  • Nina
    May 24, 2015


    I’m Nina, I’m 25 and I am a working-from-home engineer. Oh and I’m French!
    Like you, my latest creative sustainable project is to start sewing more pieces of my wardrobe. My parents offered me a sewing machine a while ago and I’ve sewn only a few things so far but I really felt the sewing itch recently and bought 3 patterns and some pretty fabric to get back to it! If you ever want ti see them, I wrote about this on my blog (the article is in French but you can still see the pictures of the patterns, plus there are some links to online pattern shops!)
    Also, I started gardening on my balcony and I hope that my little plants will grow so that I can eat my own herbs and veggies! I want to start making compost to feed my plants so I hope it will allow me to reduce my waste as well!

    • Hanna
      May 25, 2015


      So cool that you are trying the same project! And it’s funny, I bought Tilly’s book (apparently the first pattern you bought?). I can highly recommend it, as I said! It would be so fun to keep up with your sewing experiences – learning French again has been on my list of things to try forever (I think I even mentioned it to you, haha), so that would be a good reason!

      I don’t have a garden or balcony at the moment, so planting things is impossible, but I would so love to try. What did you start with?

      • Nina
        June 1, 2015


        Oh I hadn’t clicked the link since I was reading your blog on my (not very smart) phone. I want this book too but I read somewhere on Tilly’s blog that it might be published in French someday so I’m waiting a bit to see if it happens. I’ll try to blog about my sewing projects (and I’ll probably translate my articles in English, it’s just that I wrote the first one on a whim and didn’t took the time to translate it), hopefully they will be successful!
        I started small for my little garden : I have cherry, roma and portuguese tomatoes (the two latter will probably more sucessful as I took them from my grandma and they are already quite big, whereas the third one, that I sprouted from seeds, is still pretty tiny…), basil (regular and thaï, though the latter doesn’t look like basil so I’m not sure I got the right kind…), cilantro and mild green peppers. I think you can try planting cooking herbs as they don’t require much space, they thrive in small pots that can be kept inside. What you need is a little sunny spot and you can start growing herbs!

        • Hanna
          June 1, 2015


          Yes, please write them in English! A friend of mine and I are thinking about taking a class in the summer and then working with the book, so I will keep you posted what will happen there as well :).

          Planting herbs sounds like such a nice idea – maybe I could start with a little basil as well? I don’t really know what thai basil is supposed to look like – did you taste it yet? And all those different tomatoes (with the basil ;), sound so nice and summery!

          • Nina
            June 16, 2015


            I find basil to be a bit finicky, it likes heat and water, but not too much of it. I’ve had many basil plants in the past and they never lasted very long… Hope this year will be more successful! But you really should try! As for thai basil, I tasted a piece of it and it just tastes like grass… So I guess I’ve been growing grass seeds that were in the loam for all that time!

          • Hanna
            June 19, 2015


            Haha, oh well! Always time for another try :)

Meet Hanna
Hanna's Places - a green lifestyle blog

Hanna’s Places is a green lifestyle magazine written by Hanna Ulatowski. It’s all about slowing down in a fast-paced society and finding ways to live a more sustainable, simple lifestyle.

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