Super/Food – Citrus Fruits

Super/Food - LimesSuper/Food - Oranges

Citrus fruits. Oranges, lemons, limes… – there’s no other food that makes me think of Christmas time and winter finally arriving as the first clementines of the year. The smell alone is too good to be true. It brings back so many memories of my childhood: Mornings at school, when the whole room would smell of the fruit even if there’s only one person eating it. Trying to peel the whole mandarine in one bit (definitely possible!). Making fresh orange juice on Christmas morning. Finding them in my shoe on St. Nikolaus. I guess Christmas time is a pretty sentimental time of year, so it just fits in perfectly ;).

Click through if you want to find out why Citrus Fruits are so healthy


Well, beside being connected to all those memories, citrus fruits are also a total super/food. Here’s why:

1 | I think this is common knowledge, I just mention it anyway – citrus fruits are packed with vitamin C! One orange already has enough for one day. Pretty perfect in the season of runny noses and the flu.

2 | Vitamin C also helps your skin not to dry out as much in the cold of winter.

3 | All citrus fruits also contain limonene, an enzyme that helps your liver and small bowel detox. This way it guards against breast, gastric and lung cancer.

4 | Another aspect that fits the season pretty perfectly: Citrus fruits, especially mandarines, contain a stoff that makes you burn fat faster. This way you can eat even more chocolate and cookies and not even feel guilty about it.

Super/Food - Lemons


Pictures by Danielle Marshall, created for Super/Food.


  • miss b
    December 17, 2013


    It wouldn’t be Christmas if there weren’t any tangerines at the bottom of the Christmas stocking. interesting facts about citrus fruits here.

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Hanna's Places - a green lifestyle blog

Hanna’s Places is a green lifestyle magazine written by Hanna Ulatowski. It’s all about slowing down in a fast-paced society and finding ways to live a more sustainable, simple lifestyle.

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