The Little Things – A Happy Home


Not too long ago I decided to finally put up one of my paintings in our living room. And because I felt the need for some flowers I also added some lilac below to dry.

It’s been a while since I last changed things around in our apartment, or made a real effort to make our place look nicer. That’s mainly because for a long time we weren’t sure whether we were going to stay in this place or move again (for various reasons). Now we’ve actually been living here for just over two years and I wish we had started making it our home properly right from the start – no matter how long we would end up staying. I mean putting up more pictures, buying plants and other little things…

So today let’s appreciate our homes, and be happy we’ve got a place to stay in at all. And not just that, but let’s appreciate all the other things we have (e.g. your laptop or other device that you’re reading this on right now).

And if you are lucky enough to have that home, I encourage you to make an effort and make it feel like your home. Because I believe it’s so important to feel at home, no matter where you live or how long you’ll live there for. It’ll make you a more content person. :)

Lilac+Painting01 Lilac+Painting02

With that said, this will be my last The Little Things post for now – I’ll be quite busy soon with my final year at uni, so decided I have to focus my energy and keep life simple. Still, I appreciate having been able to write this post and remember the nice things in life along the way. And I hope you’ll keep reading this column (just in a different way – Hanna is planning on keeping it), and take something away from it. :)
Thanks for having me, Hanna!

Thanks so much, Helena! I loved having you has a guest contributor and this column was always a lot of fun! If you want to keep in touch with her, you can visit her blog over here!


  • Angie
    September 20, 2013


    Wow, that painting is SO good and looks extra lovely with the flowers! xo

    • hanna
      September 20, 2013


      It’s really a perfect combination!

  • Emmali
    September 20, 2013


    That’s a really beautiful painting :)

    • hanna
      September 20, 2013


      You’re right! I wish I could paint like that…

Meet Hanna
Hanna's Places - a green lifestyle blog

Hanna’s Places is a green lifestyle magazine written by Hanna Ulatowski. It’s all about slowing down in a fast-paced society and finding ways to live a more sustainable, simple lifestyle.

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